Crossroads or Crosspoint?


Is the United Methodist Church at a crossroads? This image is used often when people believe that a key decision or new direction is needed.  By making this claim a sense of urgency is cultivated.  An opportunity to take a stand is given.

This way of framing an issues has some merits, but some dangers as well. This paradigm leads to the creation of an either/or dichotomy between limited options instead of building relationships and looking for new solutions.  It naturally creates division and sometimes even values it. It can lead to the vilification of those on the other side.

With these concerns, I stand at this so-called crossroads and clearly see a temptation to a deep unfaithfulness. I find myself hoping, even praying, that there are many who may have strong affinities with one side or the other (on the issue at hand) are still hesitant to turn their backs on sisters and brothers who have a different view.  At this place, I stand with many (I hope) who wholeheartedly want to conference with one another in a way that glorifies God, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph 4:1-3).

Perhaps an important step towards faithfulness and fruitfulness is to reflect on the crossroads paradigm itself.  The way we perceive the problem determines the range of possible solutions.  To put it another way, there is a direct connection between the diagnosis and the possible prescription.  If the prescription has too many negative side effects, then re-evaluation of the diagnosis is in order.

So what might be another option? WHAT IF we saw ourselves at a CROSSPOINT rather than a crossroads? At this crosspoint, the questions become: What is at the core or the center? What connects us, with all our honored diversity, together into one faith and one love? What light reflects outwards touching all sides?  Like the hub of a wheel connected to its power source, perhaps the Holy Spirit connects most fully when we are at the core or crosspoint, where we are willing to let our actions flow from the will of God.  At this place, we might begin to see that being connected in Christ is more than a matter of practicality; it is a core calling of our faith.

John Wesley (who will be at the center of many posts in this upcoming series) did not use the image of crossroads or crosspoint, but he did speak often of taking up our cross and bearing it daily.  Wesley says that we often find a cross in our way, offering a choice that is not “joyous but grievous.”  What do we do with this choice? We can either take up this cross and live in the cross, or turn aside from the way of God. That’s the choice. To live in and by the cross is to bear the virtues of humility, patience, and resignation, as Wesley says.  By the cross, we give ourselves to complete truth in God without pitting ourselves against one another and trying only to “win.” If we don’t engage in this daily discipline, our love will “wax cold” and the bond of peace “will no longer rule in our hearts.” (See the Sermon, “Self-Denial”)

So, in this light, I trust that God will honor the discernment of all willing to take a deep breath, open our hearts and minds, and then sit down together at the place that might be transformed from a crossroads to a crosspoint, a true center and life-giving witness.  The answers to true faithfulness and fruitfulness might be in connecting here more than in turning our backs on each other or drawing hard lines that force us into divorce.  Oh may we have the spiritual courage to engage with one another in a different way!