Reflecting Forward – (some first thoughts on General Conference)

General Conference is in the books!  It was historic, messy, and beautiful. Worship with siblings from around the world was profoundly centered in Christ, deeply rooted in scripture, and sooo inspiring.  The spirit of the Conference was like nothing I have experienced before in this setting.

Throughout the Conference, there was an attentive gracefulness to hearing the gospel shared through a wide diversity of perspectives.  There was an intentional effort to make room for all voices. And the “wideness of God’s mercy” was lifted high. From my perspective, it was inspiring to see delegates live into this practice of radical hospitality that started with introductions that allowed persons to identify themselves as clergy or laity, along with their conference, age, ethnicity, sex, and with other identifiers important to the speaker.  This practice helped all of us to be attentive to the goal for a balance of voices and to help us all reflect on our own place at the table.

It has been hard to read attempts to dis-grace this work with name-calling and accusations.  I wonder what purpose was being served by casting such negative perceptions with words like elitist, completely corrupt, radically liberal, woke, and accusations of not believing in the Bible.  I could venture a guess. 

Some big decisions were made, and much of the attention has centered around matters of human sexuality.  While this accounted for only a few of the petitions before us, these were big! So much of our focus has been around these matters.  In my opinion, we are able to set some things right.  

I was blessed to work on the Faith and Order Committee which brought forth legislation to remove harmful language that has served as a barrier to some for decades. Now the door is open to consider all candidates based on their calling and character, faithfulness and fruitfulness. While one barrier was removed, it is worth noting all the qualifications that remain.  The qualifications to be considered for ordained ministry include faith in Christ, gifts for ministry, affirmation of the holy scriptures, accountability to the doctrinal standards of the church, and more. This list is long and life-giving for the church as a whole.

We approved language that gives pastors and local churches agency and freedom around marriages of same-sex couples. No one will be penalized for performing or refraining from performing a same-sex wedding.  The language is now neutral. From my personal perspective, some leaders are making a little too much of how congregations don’t have to change anything.  While that is true. I also think this is an opportunity to invite change.  This contextual freedom will give us an opportunity to focus on the virtues that are life-giving for all when it comes to marriage, rather than being bound to a double standard that has caused great harm to some.

I love the perspective of one who identifies as “conservative” saying that the rules that have been in place were not only restrictive but were also condemning. By removing them we are simply making the church look more like the kin’dom of God. To sum it up in a sentence, the word “incompatibility,” as it has been used to create a judgement and a barrier only for some, is gone! Glory to God.  

We approved new and revised Social Principles. I love the way these principles focus more on how we are to treat one another rather than offering hardline stances that divide. These principles are intended to be general enough to find meaningful application in different contexts and cultures.

There does seem to be a powerful propaganda machine with the purpose of causing further division in the Body of Christ. For one example, I saw a report that we now promote polygamy, with the follow-up question, “What’s next?”  This came with a quote of the general statement on human sexuality in the Social Principles, while leaving out the statements directly on marriage that include the word monogamy, and a direct statement saying that we do not condone polygamy.   

Others have said that we now promote immorality, when in fact we strengthened our understanding of morality rather than weakened it when it comes to marriage and sex.  We added words calling for fidelity, monogamy, commitment, mutual affection and respect, careful and honest communication, mutual consent, and growth in grace and in the knowledge and love of God.  This came out of my committee as well. 

For a personal commentary, the Greek word often translated as sexual immorality is the word “pornia.” It could be defined as any attempt to turn another child of God into an object or an issue, to be used for personal pleasure or gain.  Attempting to define this word by only pointing to one group of people may just be the heighth of immorality. There is nothing biblical about this projection.     

Moving on. 2553 is gone! May healing come from the great harm that was caused and may we confess our role in this as a conference. We may be able to find ways to bless those who desire to leave the UMC, but I hope we never again endorse and implement a process for congregations to vote in this way, especially when the winner takes all.  That never felt very Christian to me.  And by virtue of my position in the Conference I have directly seen the great harm that was caused – and yes, our own policies and the way we implemented them are implicated as well.

On the last day, and after days of debate, a budget was approved that amounted to a 42% decrease.  This is a “rubber hits the road” acknowledgement that we are moving into a new season as a denomination.  We will have to find new ways to live into our calling. Perhaps we have no choice but to see this as an opportunity.    

And perhaps the biggest development of all was the passing of a plan for regionalization and the concept of giving contextual freedom to engage in ministry, while supporting one another in mission and in the calling to be a Wesleyan witness in the world.  This concept, contrary to some reports, had broad support at General Conference across the board, including from Central Conferences in Africa, the Philippines, and Europe.  

To close for now, I want to say that it was an honor to be in the room where this all happened and to play a small role in it all.  The whole delegation was amazing and worked, prayed, worshiped, and played hard – and a lot of this happened long before we arrived in Charlotte.  Thanks to the Arkansas Conference for entrusting me and us to this holy task. 

And during conference, some of us got together and made the decision to change our Facebook forum from “Arkansans Staying United” to “Being UMC Arkansas.”  Here’s to Being UMC! The new season has begun! May God be glorified!